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Maria Virginia Bile wins the CeTAmb 2024 award with her Thesis on Kenya

Virginia graduated in the Master's Degree in Natural Resources Management for Tropical Rural Development on December 19th, 2023, and she developed an analysis on "Effectiveness of soil conservation practices in semiarid rangelands of Northern Kenya".

The thesis was awarded by the University of Brescia as the best thesis on environmental management in countries with limited resources. The work was carried out during an extra-EU mobility in Kenya, in collaboration with the University of Nairobi and the Water Harvesting Lab of the DAGRI department, with supervisors Elena Bresci and Stephen Mwangi Mureithi.

The DAGRI Department has numerous partnerships with the University of Nairobi, including a Scientific Cooperation Agreement and an Erasmus+ KA 171 exchange project with the Kenyan University, coordinated by Elena Bresci, and the University will be involved in upcoming PNRR activities.

Congratulations to Virginia, and get in touch for DAGRI activities in Kenya!







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